Text installations for interior and exterior walls

in galleries, museums, reception rooms, law firms and doctors's offices as well as

private homes worldwide.

Copyright for text and design by Joachim Kath 2023 ©






Communication is the problem


All Proms wear Designer Biographies



Get in touch
Life is never what vou expect
ART can change perspectives




Our life is what our thoughts make it!

(Marc Aurel)

Evidence matters - even

in my country!

Stop the War of Aggression now!

Warum Krieg?

Natural Sculpture by J. Kath

Olympic Pandemia by J. Kath

Snake by J.Kath ©

Black & White Photography ©


The profile determines the identity - and the identity determines the image! Design is the 

No. 1 success factor for every company!

Das Profil bestimmt die Identität - und die Identität das Image!

Gestaltung ist der Erfolgsfaktor Nr. 1 für jede Unternehmung!

The design share of the brand value is 50 percent. At least! 

Der Design-Anteil am

Markenwert beträgt

50 Prozent. Mindestens!